Charites - Documentation






The United Nations Vector Tile Toolkit




Ce document contient la documentation complète de Charites, une application permettant de styliser facilement des tuiles vectorielles.

An easy, intuitive, and efficient command-line tool for writing vector map styles compatible with the Mapbox and MapLibre Style Specification in YAML. With YAML format’s readability, JSON compiler, linter, and live style viewer on a local browser, you can simplify your map styling workflow.


In Greek mythology, the Charites are the three goddesses of charm, beauty, and human creativity. They are believed to have been worshipped not only by artists but also by those who aspired to technology to infuse them with a creative spirit.


  • Initiate a project from scratch, or convert an existing style.json file to generate YAML style files.

  • Write styles in a simple YAML format.

  • Divide groups of layers in to multiple files for better readability and mantainability. !!inc/file <relative-path-to-the-file>

  • Use variables like $backgroundColor and $waterColor to style effectively.

  • Compile YAML to a single style.json file, with a format linter.

  • Use –provider mapbox to validate your style against Mapbox GL JS v2.x

  • Run charites serve <source> to preview your style live while you make changes in a browser.


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